May 31, 2021
In this Memorial Day episode, Dave and Dante discuss how a legacy dad can take Memorial Day and use it to promote proven biblical principles that leave a lasting legacy. Enjoy the discussion!
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May 24, 2021
Using a story as the catalyst, Dave and Dante discuss the way one sin can turn into another and another and another. With references to Paul's list of things to avoid, they discuss the importance of stopping the small sin in its tracks before the train completely derails. music!
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May 17, 2021
One of the greatest movies from the 90's included these four words: "Pop quiz, hot shot." In this episode, Dante quizzes Dave on an important Legacy Dad topic: how do you stoke the fire in the kitchen? Tune in to hear Dave's analogy to what you actually need to have a successful fire, and take the lessons and apply them...
May 10, 2021
If you could hit the "re-do" button on being a dad, what would that look like? If you've got the experience of being a dad, what would you tell a new dad? What are the keys? Dante leads the conversation, speaking of loving your wife, respecting her and the kids, being the spiritual leader, and more. Additionally,...